Client Approval
EPC Companies
JGC Middle East
KBR Vendor ID :117761
Chicago Bridge & Iron company
Parsons Brinckerhoff USA
Worley Parsons Vendor ID : 26573118
Borouge Vendor ID: 1113
Iberdrola Vendor ID : IB22450
Jacbos Engineering Vendor ID : 42061
URS Corporation
Arabian Bemco
Tata Projects
Saudi KAD
FSA, Saudi
L&T Vendor ID :S0098350
Siemens Vendor ID: D-10130
SNC Lavaline Vendor ID : S041528
Petrochina International
ABB Vendor ID: 257288
Legal Entity
DUNS No : 56-167-7052
ISO/IEC 17020-2012 : 202111-02
ISO 9001-2015 : 22-09-6295
ISO 14001-2015 : 22-09-6296
ISO 45001: 2018 : 22-09-6297
End user approvals
ARAMCO Vendor ID : 10049205
KOC Vendor ID: 104578
SABIC Vendor ID : 0000506793
KJO Vendor ID: 1005005
Petrorabigh Contractor ID : 103660
Maaden Vendor ID : 39062
YASREF Vendor ID : 100230
Saudi Electricity Vendor ID : 2006703
Royal Commission Jubail and Yanbu.
Tatweer Vendor ID : 3908471
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority : 102150
Kuwait Oil company : 13674
KNPC Vendor ID :1007387
Petrobras : 3005978657
Bahrain ALBA : MMVRS02561
Oman Daleel Petroleum LLC : 2748762

Systematic co-ordinations
TISA has implemented TISAiNPX an inspection and expediting management system to manage and control entire work flow from Clients inquiry up to the Invoice Processing and Archiving of completed Jobs etc. Also Inspectors can login and review the Jobs, assigned to him/her, scheduled Itineraries, specifications for jobs and, also, entering their reports/visits and uploading the reports and related document files.
Qualification of Inspectors - New Inspectors as well as already known/hired ones can web login to pass qualification tests for special disciplines of inspection and expediting.